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ABSTRACT. Phylogeny Commands Psychogenesis. To learn a foreign language necessarily remaps the learning of the first languages in children. I will first study the necessary stages in the learning of the first language. The mind’s development contributes to the mastering of the first language, which, in turn, is also beneficial to the mind. To teach a second language to a monolingual child challenges the mental construction of his first language and forces the child to restructure his mind, constructed, to this point, by and for the first language. Some pedagogical shortcuts can produce mistakes. To learn a second language is to reactivate the phylogeny of language, particularly of the first and second languages concerned, and this reactivated phylogeny must be invested into the psychogenesis of language, particularly of the first and second languages concerned.
Keywords: communicational situation, vowel-consonant rotation, transfer verbs.
REZUMAT. Filogenia activează psihogeneza. Învățarea unei limbi străine redesenează harta învățării limbii materne de către copii. Voi aborda în primul rând etapele necesare în procesul de învățare a limbii materne. Dezvoltarea gândirii contribuie la achiziția limbii materne și reciproc. Procesul de a învăța un copil monolingv o a doua limbă repune în discuție construcția mentală a…