Oxymoron for sure but absolutely vicious. Either you fool yourself and you are practicing some kind of deadly suicide. Or you fool others and you are practicing some lethal concentration-camps policy. Either you do not give a damn whether you die tomorrow or not. Or you think that you have to let all others die so that you might survive. Raw data is thus used to impose a personal vicious deep motivation that you do not want to express openly. And you seem to forget there are 30 million people in the US who have no health insurance at all and will not have the means to get any treatment, let alone be tested. To stop the spreading in Wuhan, after doing little for one month, the Chinese authorities, in Beijing mind you, sent the army and militarized the battle: test everyone and isolate all those who are tested positive in makeshift campaign hospitals, that are now being dismantled. If they had not tested everyone the epidemic would still be raging in Wuhan. And, more important still, their president is giving the right example, wearing a sanitary mask and visiting the worst areas, like Wuhan two days ago. Trump is satisfied with feeling fine. How can he be so ignorant?