Obama is ruining his heritage out of anti-Trump spite!

4 min readDec 31, 2016
Brilliant elections in 2008 and 2012

Jacques Coulardeau & Barack Obama at Academia.edu (53)


With no proof he retaliates against Russia though what is at stake is that the American electoral system is NOT safe. Remember 2000. It took no Russians then and the Floridian diplomats were not expelled.




The 2008 Race for the White House





I was asked to review Connie Corcoran Wilson’s first volume of her OBAMA’S ODYSSEY. I accepted because it was vastly entering my field of competence and my practice as a university professor teaching US politics, culture and history along with the English language.

This essay will provide the readers with three reviews of books first.

1- Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, by Barack Hussein Obama;

2- Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters, by Barack Hussein Obama

3- Nairobi To Shenzhen: A Novel of Love in the East, byMark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo


Then I included my presentation of November 2009 in Brest, France, later published in Paris: BARACK OBAMA’S VIRTUAL STYLE IN HIS INTERNET MESSAGES TO HIS SUPPORTERS (11/05–02/02) by Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

You will then finally find my review of Connie Corcoran Wilson’s book: OBAMA’S ODYSSEY: The 2008 Race for the White House, 2015. You can of jump to it directly, page 27.

The whole collection of articles, presentation and reviews is built along a discourse on history and what a historian can say about a present situation he or she is involved in. I also assess the campaign of Donald Trump so far by the date of March 16, 2016.

That sets Connie Corcoran Wilson’s book in perspective: it is a blog written and published on Yahoo in 2008 but republished in 2016 in a situation where Hillary Clinton severely rejected in 2008 is now the front running candidate of the Democratic Party with the full support of President Barack Obama whose State Secretary she was from 2008 to 2012.

This 2008 rejection is typical of a blog but the reuse of this blog 12 years later is hardly hiding an ideological stance against the establishment of the Democratic Party, no matter what it may stand for in 2016.

Indian Heritage: end of story?

It may also appear as support for the contending candidate against Hillary Clinton in the primaries, but it may also turn out to be objective support for the contending candidate of Hillary Clinton in the presidential election itself. Let’s say that the rather sectarian rejection of Clinton’s attitude at the time of the Lewinsky shady business because she did not asked for divorce is of the same level as the barking Clinton Donald Trump depicts in his March 16 hostile TV ad.

Enjoy the debate and the confrontation of ideas, knowing that if there is no truth in history but only points of view, there is no truth in real life but ideological and political competition that may turn sour at times with the bigotry of some actors.

Research Interests:

Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Constitutional Theory, Barack Obama, Obama, Hillary Clinton, US constitution, Michelle Obama, U.S. presidential primaries and elections, President Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump

First President elected with Internet



This research is based on a long experience of the USA, directly in many states and indirectly in my teaching. In 2008 onward the role of Barack Obama in the USA opened a lot of eyes in Europe on the constitutional reality of a country that has had only one constitution in spite of all events, dramas and


The role of the Blacks, Afro-Americans if you prefer, was and has been essential in US history though over dramatic. I have spent a lot of research and teaching time on PTSS, Slavery or Slave, and on the way American Indians have managed to recuperate their own essence.

I wrote and published a lot in the last few years on decolonialization in America, USA and Mexico, on post-colonial studies (recently James Baldwin and Marcus Garvey) and on theater (both Black and Indian, including Chicano/a).

When Connie Corcoran Wilson asked me to review the first volume of her “Obama’s Odissey” I accepted at once and found quite a lot of pleasure — and surprises — in doing so.

This research needs a lot of discussing, debating and even maybe rebutting. All opinions are thus welcome. Please read the Abstract that is not included in the paper itself.

He sure could not get Hillary Clinton elected




Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, PhD in Germanic Linguistics (University Lille III) and ESP Teaching (University Bordeaux II) has been teaching all types of ESP