It is if you only consider the cycle of birth, misery, and death, with or without rebirth, and if you consider kamma is blind fate. But that is not a correct Buddhist view. First of all, kamma is the result of anyone's wise, or unwise, actions, meaning action, when wise, that is managed and clearly ordered by the mind and its power not to contemplate but to meditate and thus to choose the proper actions in any situation. Second, this mind and its meditating power are able to short circuit the cycle you are speaking of in this real life and you are "reborn" wise in this world. Of course, samsara will come again on some other topic, but your citta will be able to help you through to wisdom again and hence to rebirth in wisdom. That's what enlightenment is and Buddha survived a long time after he reached this enlightenment.
The point here is what does it mean in the present situation? Trump tried to contain Asia but he politically and financially manhandled the Europeans, so he failed. Biden has understood that he has to manipulate the Europeans into supporting the USA in its (the USA's) containment policy towards Asia. But his public opinion, hence his electors will never accept sending troops again in open war. So he enters a policy of war by proxies in Ukraine, and that brought Europe back, except for the Hungarians, the Croatians, the Serbs, and the Turks. He is desperately trying to do the same with Taiwan, and at the same time he is trying to block any Asian country that is having normal relationships with China, like Pakistan (Prime Minister ousted), Sri Lanka (Prime Minister and then President ousted), and the list is long of such interventions, even of course when they do not succeed like in Vietnam or Southeast Asia.
And we could go on for a long time. Another opposition comes from the Turks who are trying to bring together the Turkic-language(s)-speaking countries together with a new international association that is successful in Central Asia, but also with the encouragement of Hungary and the pressure on Finland who intends to join NATO. Turkic-Estonian-speaking Estonia must be lost in this debate. The only objective of Biden is to counter China and try to recuperate what he lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in Syria. But he would be a fool if he won his mid-term elections to believe it is because of his foreign policy. It will or would be only because of the abortion debate in the USA.
So Samsara? Yes if we see that in any situation anicca is always present and anatta is always active, meaning with citta and our mind we can always be reborn in wisdom and step out of the trap of any situation that will always be blocked on dukkha if we do not use our mind to get to some daily enlightenment.